Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution TOO

It's a year not to forget
It's a year to remember
We started the decade in an amazing way
It's a year that flew
So what's my 2011 resolution?

I hope we can meet we can touch
we can hug we can kiss
we can hold our hands walk side by side
I hope we can love we can feel
we can laugh we can cry
we can merge our souls more day by day
I hope we live in prospects
I hope we play like kiddies
I hope our hearts are in ONE.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New year's resolution

I remember last year this time
Despite deep darkness we made some bold statements
A year later we can proudly say that almost every single wish came true
We had a honeymoon in Toronto
It was a year full of unexpected, hard times, critical decisions
All in all, it was a very unique and special year
You dont know how far you can make it, until you go the way
What is this year's resolutions?
I wish that this year we can be physically together
Enjoy better financial situation, experience more happiness
Life is what we make it, so better we make it good

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I am licensed to be bad temper
You have no idea how it feels
All my skin is swollen and red
My sleep has been interrupted with rash attacks
There is a layer of pimples everywhere
And I m doing my best in managing this war
Against mite, rash and...
I miss you very much

Saturday, December 11, 2010


don gu is here to congratulate you

to share this happy moment with you

to bring me closer to you

to welcome this even sweeter life of you

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy birthday

Since you are so special to me
Since you fill up my senses
I want to make this day more specail to you
Next b-day we should be together
Happy birthday
This is a day for you that must receive
love and gifts

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A dream came TRUE

Going through our wedding photo album
Suddenly I realized how great we are

Gone the hard way, overcoming so many problems

Making a bridge between nations, miles, history

No matter what happens, what comes up
We have left a track, a trait

We made it
, we made a history
I am filled with courage, warmth, faith
And more importantly, love
We did it, yes we did it

It is so pretty, so nice

It is us together

You and me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We deserve

We should live in such beautiful place
with such decent view
And I will BBQ for u on the roof

Thursday, October 14, 2010

One of those days

Today was one of those days
soaked wet under rain
I usually enjoy rain
Rain is so romantic
But it means nothing when you are alone
I am feeling lonely without you
Today is one of those days I miss you more than usual

Monday, October 11, 2010


Whenever you feel bad
Whenever you feel insecure
Whenever you have doubts
Just check this out
Look at this and you will be filled with love
Cause you fill up my senes....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

if you still remember...

this part of the world...

with this burger king?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Paint 1 Paint 2

Paint 2

Paint 1
Obviously Paint 2 is better right? ^^ hehehe....
This room is so lovely.
The green leaves little blue sea make me happy.
Do you miss me ga?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Key chain

On the way back I was thinking:
Once I bought a key chain in a bad situation
In hopes of putting my home's key on them
Happily once I used them for short time
Now I have no key chain
no sushi, no x-box, no house
but i have a wife
a stronger relationship
Not a bad deal
but i still wanna have a key chain
I wanna have a little place of my own
Is this such a big request?
To sleep peacefully at night
without waking up
Am I so greedy?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today after a long hours spent seeking the interview place
I couldnt stand my hunger any more
On the way back home, I went to loblaws
The first time I got there after 2 weeks
The feeling wasnt an easy feeling
I felt bad and heavy
I looked for the yoghurt we always bought
But couldnt take it
I bought something else and left
I know it is hard for both of us
But both of really need to be happy
Cause if not happy then nothing good will happen
So be happy and relax
And love me more

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I sweat, I work, I cut the grass

I work like a manual labour
Today I knelt down and pulled small nails for hours
My knees hurt, my hands hurt
I cut the grass
But I feel the love
The responsibility of having a family, that's the only thing matters
I am so lucky to have you
You are so lucky to have me

Monday, September 6, 2010


Everyday is heavy, filled with the sweet memories we had
Now our relationship is one step closer and stronger
We are just married, we need to be together
Every day, every minute I think of you
Missing you isnt a good feeling
I always ask myself "how long we are gonna be like this?"
I really dont know what to do
You tell me


My eyes turned misty when you mentioned that stone,
feel like ages ago- how long has it been?

My life here the same:
Today I went to Welcome after school but
once i saw that $19.8 discounted sushi box-
I really couldn't take it.
i saw the $19.9 pack of slices beef for frying-
I wouldn't take it too.

I don't jump in supermarket anymore -
but I managed to buy 2 small swiss yogurt home!

hehhehee ^0^

2 sept is in my heart and thereafter will be.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shame on YOU

2nd of September has passed
And you Dont rEmeMberrrrrrrr!!!!!
Shame on you
It was our first date, how can you forget it?

One week has passed
It feels like a year
Do you remember the stones piled on each other
Like that scary movie?
With that red small plastic man on top of it.
Today I realized that they have taken down the whole thing
Maybe they were afraid of it or something
And there is no red plastic man

Do you think of me when you eat sushi??

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Repeater La

You repeat, you are the repeater not me.
But I dont know why, I still love U
So you repeatition is fine and sweet in some way
Today extremely hot and I stayed there until very late
They said it is fine in the first so I dont need to have English exam
Then they took me to professionals, which couldnt recognize my IELTSSSSSSS
I ran down the hall after 25 mins passed the exam
Took the exam
Guess what ????
I have been now aCcepTed
Dont live in the past ga
Future is here
Bunny bunny, don gu. I dont repeat
I am still so sweet

honey hon

honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon
hon honey hon honey hon honey hon honey
honey hon honey hon honey hon honey hon

Monday, August 30, 2010

Live in the Present

Live in the Present &
Find Happiness Within!

whenever you think of me
that not sure what i'm doing -
I'm thinking of you.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another airport, Another record

Do you still remember these words:
Don't wait for a job to make you happy -
Don't wait for a person to make you happy -
Happiness is from our soul.
I decided not to grieve -
Once I think of you,
I'll think of the real actions to be taken
To bring us physically together.
Yes gar.
Decided gar.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another airport

We tried one new airport
The feeling is heavy and hard
It is like going through a hard rocky way
The evening is even harder to bear
I know you are flying and thinking of me
But I know one thing
Stepping out of comfort zone will always be rewarded
We already did this
We should be brave and strong
By the way you are so lucky
There is no hot water in house
It is messy here and ,,,,
you are not here

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Year

I've been walking around for days
as if it's early June for us again.
I was walking to the minibus stop in Sai Kung
realized that it's been really an amazing year -
our year 2010 -
Time flew and paused flew and paused
I don't quite catch the nature of time now.
Just live on and on -
Sleepy driver now takes extra care of me and
Supermarket cashier would ask about you.
It's so far my best year in life.
When our love is concrete
Nothing can go wrong -
Nothing can go wrong.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A dummy's guide to my heart

Well there are different courses to learn
But learning about ourselves is the most important thing one should do
since I met you I realized one thing
You have the potential to achieve higher
You have very specail abilities
You are very elegant
All you need to do is trust me and have faith
Cause you can do anything you want with face
Since I met you I have changed a lot
it is all in good ways
My world has been extended to accommodate another person
That trouble making person has become the most important person in my life
Say yes to life
Say yes to love
and say yes to me
Cause together we can achieve a lot higher
We deserve all the luck and happiness in the world
So many times I keep some stuff for myself
But you should know that I always feel proud of you
You are my don gu
Please read this once everyday

Friday, July 2, 2010

Every step

Every trip, every hard step is taking us a little bit closer
We need to learn more, be more knowledgable
And have faith,
Have faith in our abilities
I cannot always talk about myself
I have to admit that you are able and strong
Everybody talks about my new appearance
They like the watch, they like this and that
And I think we deserve more
We should go further, achieve more
Hand in hand we should walk

I want you to be happy
I want to be stronger
I want you to achieve more
I want you to have more faith
cause you fill up my sense
like a night in the forest

Thursday, July 1, 2010

1 July

ho la ho la
forget about sad things la
today let me show you the 2 items you'll have -

1. adidas tee
(that day i saw it discount in Shatin and it's really nice lo...) ^^

2. Polo Ralph Lauren creamy white jacket
(after saying bye to you in airport I found this in the shopping outlet,
even in outlet most items are HK$1xxx - $2xxx, a t-shirt is $6xx,
suddenly i found this jacket just $5xx - 30% off, i don't believe it so i
asked the staff, he said Yes! $5xx with further 30% off! WHY? he said
coz this item only 3 jackets left, all XL, but this design is slim so
who wears L will be fine. I took this to cashier without hesitation.)^^

I think I'm a genius in shopping.
But the most genius thing i did is finding a guy like you, jerk!

Do you like these 2 items ga? kill u ga!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You are amazing

One thing that baffles me a lot,
is how you understand my inner thoughts
You know what I want better than I can explicitly explain

I felt sad, I felt missing you more
I felt lonely, I felt loving you more
when I watched the clip

Our small lovely place
Our shrine of love
Our happy place
My home
My room
My road
My sea view road
My love

you express your love in your own unique way
It is elaborate, it is unique
It is lovely

My Love Will Get You Home

Nice weather today!! No heavy rain ga! ^^

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Decided to love you,
Decided to miss you
I am happy you are feeling better
Sometimes I feel horrified by the prospect of the new life
Things seem scary
But I try to smile and I remember our special moments
Today I was recalling our happy moments in shopping
How happy it was, just shopping together
Remember you dont belong to yourself only
Eat well, drink more, sleep more
Decide to overcome obstacles

Recovering Well

A lot better last night -
ipod music was still on with much tighter sleep
On period finally.
My usual activity after school was still shopping
That's my way of missing you -
Would this be great on you could that make you smile~
Today is the third day but I already bought 2 for you
I need to stop or else you will get mad I know
So in late July you will just have these 2 items -

Low motivation in cooking and eating still
Fortunately I'm more disciplined and hard working than you:

Before cooking:

After cooking:

I don't need good food good drinks good dessert

I just want to eat with you.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My First Night

I certainly knew this already
I felt the same, after such sleepless time
I couldnt sleep a bit
Any single minute there is one thing in my mind
Where is my don gu?
Where is my beautiful princess?

My love to you was much bigger than what I expected
It was impossible to move on
I felt like I need to cross an ocean

Then I remembered that ...
You fill up my senses

I need to be storng, for you
We will overcome any obstacle
Our love is so huge and strong

New Page of Life

The first 24 hours would certainly be the most difficult
I tried to cope with it but I felt the weakest ever
I cleaned the whole place so I won't feel annoyed
But any single minute of silence was still a torture
Turned on the TV - played music in laptop
I even prepared the overnight ipod speaker
so I can get into the impossible sleep
I was tough and never cried a bit until
I opened the fridge and saw the yellow watermelon
I dumped everything in tears -
your watermelon your yogurt your kimchi
I couldn't eat at all so just finished the cakes as dinner
stared out of the window in bed nearly the whole night.

And time is up.
I know you would feel worried about me
so I gave myself only 24 hours mongol life
I came back home from work this afternoon
I have to live even better than you

Look at my lunch and dessert and dinner today!
Ham-egg-cucumber Sandwich~~
To-fu Flower~~
Chicken wings Potato Vege~~ (ho good lorrr ^0^)

How are you? My deeeeeeeearest in life?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nice times

I know you have been checking the blog from time to time
Waiting for me to write something
Fair enough, I know you are busy all the time with your work
I wanted to write something like last year
We did this and that, visited here and there
But instead of giving a detailed itinerary
I say it has been a very pleasant time, filled with love and peace
Not to mention the lovely views of the neighbourhood
I have not forgot the hard times we have been through
It is always good to feel grateful, to remember hard times and be happy
Thanks a lot for being such a lovely person

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Land in the Airport
Take bus A41 to the last stop
You are now in Shatin
Take bus 299 to the last stop
You are now in Sai Kung
Take a cab
And we'll be home...
This is what i think about today
my handsome jerk! ^^
- don gu the painter

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cute Cute Plane ^^

Have a nice flight tomorrow!!
Enjoy your flying moment always!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

pack a day

I pack in Beethoven - Benjamin Zander Cond.
I pack in Symphony 7 - II Allegretto
I pack in light tears
I pack in your love.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blue or green

Blue or Green?
Our blog, our life is like a mixture of both
Each color deeply mixed and entangled with the other
Giving variety and beauty
None is good enough without the existence of the other

green color

green color green green green color green green
Green color made me fell in love
I was so simple
But ur pure love is like a mountain lake
And i cried for the sun to rise and shine on us
I cry and cry

Until the land is filled with our
And mountains moved apart...
green color green green green color green green

Monday, March 29, 2010


thanks babe for the IKEA bed la
if i were there
i would massage u bring u sweet stuff to eat and drink
ur so elegant and able

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

I didnt put

any love note in the package because,

I know that you know that .....


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The answer to all your sweet efforts,
The answer to the question " Do I love you?":
The answer to all unasked questionsis:
is a bunch of flowers
And the
"I love you very muchh "

Saturday, March 6, 2010


You let me love and be loved
You deserve all my effort.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Did you know?

Did you know yesterday was a very bad day?
Did you know I was feeling so down?
And did you know your pictures brightened my day?
They filled me with love, happiness and excitement
They made us, you and me feel better
Do you know I am still looking at them?
The lesson to learn here is:
Just love unconditionally
Dont think about yourself
Listen to me and give away love
and we can see real miracles happening in our life

Having a bad day or full of love
is your choice
Let's live life in love

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Seeds

Back in real life I first need to greet you

May good seeds we plant ripen in the future

Friday, February 19, 2010

Our Uniqueness

Our love is so special
The more time passes by, the more I realize this
You have never been loved this much
I never found anything more pure
It is as blue as sky
As blue mountain lake
We dont know what we have, until we miss it
We didnt realize even chatting is a big fortune
Now minutes feel like hours
I keep waiting for you
And you dont come back
I am looking forward meeting even a newer better person
You should find the same in me

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

We are ...

We are 2 birds in the blue sky
We are 2 fighter planes in the war times
We are 2 sweet bears in the valentine day
We are 2 dog and cat in bad time
We are 2 lovers in college time
We are 2 mushrooms in a green house
We are 2 kids playing in school yard
We are 2 mountains in the hard times
2 flowers in the spring, boats in the blue ocean
We are pure, pleasnt and in love
That's who we are


Even though I wasnt that Fat
Even though I could go through holes
Even though I never thought of being fireman
I became one
I did exercise day and nite, night and day
I ran and ran
So I became a fireman, for you
For my don gu
I am so nice
I very hard working
Just for you

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The answer

Now I know
I have been given the answer to all I asked
I found the key to every door
I have been given the light
If you want to reach a safe place, you really need to listen very carefully yo me

Friday, January 29, 2010

When I miss you

When I miss you
I listen to a taiwanese song again and again
On the way to school
On the way home from diamond hill
It says:

Studying behind you
Writing behind you
You won't say I'm not hard working again
Missing behind you
Missing about my happiness
Quiet behind you
Mo liu behind you
We are not watching tides come and go together now
My love is not in front of my eyes
My memory accompany me every night
It doesn't matter
When tears already turned to ashes
Behind you
All I have is only time
All being paused is time

- Behind You

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be Water

Be water, be shapeless
Water is the softest material yet it can penetrate a mountain
Water can take any shape, you can never stop water
Water finds its way, through smallest holes, hardest surface
Be water my friend

Vegas or not it doesnt matter
It is all about love
The sooner the better
Be water, be a miracle

Friday, January 8, 2010

No hands, no feet and No worries

Most of the time we forget how lucky we are

we still have hands and feet yet lots of worries

Playing good isnt about having good cards

It is all about faith, the wisdom to see the real picture

If we have the blessing of God, all we need is to have confidence

Hit the road and start fresh

If we have faith sky will be the limit