On the way back I was thinking: Once I bought a key chain in a bad situation In hopes of putting my home's key on them Happily once I used them for short time Now I have no key chain no sushi, no x-box, no house but i have a wife a stronger relationship Not a bad deal but i still wanna have a key chain I wanna have a little place of my own Is this such a big request? To sleep peacefully at night without waking up Am I so greedy?
Today after a long hours spent seeking the interview place I couldnt stand my hunger any more On the way back home, I went to loblaws The first time I got there after 2 weeks The feeling wasnt an easy feeling I felt bad and heavy I looked for the yoghurt we always bought But couldnt take it I bought something else and left I know it is hard for both of us But both of really need to be happy Cause if not happy then nothing good will happen So be happy and relax And love me more
I work like a manual labour Today I knelt down and pulled small nails for hours My knees hurt, my hands hurt I cut the grass But I feel the love The responsibility of having a family, that's the only thing matters I am so lucky to have you You are so lucky to have me
Everyday is heavy, filled with the sweet memories we had Now our relationship is one step closer and stronger We are just married, we need to be together Every day, every minute I think of you Missing you isnt a good feeling I always ask myself "how long we are gonna be like this?" I really dont know what to do You tell me
My eyes turned misty when you mentioned that stone, feel like ages ago- how long has it been?
My life here the same: Today I went to Welcome after school but once i saw that $19.8 discounted sushi box- I really couldn't take it. i saw the $19.9 pack of slices beef for frying- I wouldn't take it too.
I don't jump in supermarket anymore - but I managed to buy 2 small swiss yogurt home!
2nd of September has passed And you Dont rEmeMberrrrrrrr!!!!! Shame on you It was our first date, how can you forget it?
One week has passed It feels like a year Do you remember the stones piled on each other Like that scary movie? With that red small plastic man on top of it. Today I realized that they have taken down the whole thing Maybe they were afraid of it or something And there is no red plastic man