Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution TOO

It's a year not to forget
It's a year to remember
We started the decade in an amazing way
It's a year that flew
So what's my 2011 resolution?

I hope we can meet we can touch
we can hug we can kiss
we can hold our hands walk side by side
I hope we can love we can feel
we can laugh we can cry
we can merge our souls more day by day
I hope we live in prospects
I hope we play like kiddies
I hope our hearts are in ONE.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New year's resolution

I remember last year this time
Despite deep darkness we made some bold statements
A year later we can proudly say that almost every single wish came true
We had a honeymoon in Toronto
It was a year full of unexpected, hard times, critical decisions
All in all, it was a very unique and special year
You dont know how far you can make it, until you go the way
What is this year's resolutions?
I wish that this year we can be physically together
Enjoy better financial situation, experience more happiness
Life is what we make it, so better we make it good

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I am licensed to be bad temper
You have no idea how it feels
All my skin is swollen and red
My sleep has been interrupted with rash attacks
There is a layer of pimples everywhere
And I m doing my best in managing this war
Against mite, rash and...
I miss you very much

Saturday, December 11, 2010


don gu is here to congratulate you

to share this happy moment with you

to bring me closer to you

to welcome this even sweeter life of you