Friday, September 30, 2011

I just want to cook for you...

Organic food is not easy to be found:
Earth Balance butter cost double -
Romaine lettuce cost double -
Baby tomato cost double -
Minced beef cost double -
But at least they can be found.
I couldn't see any caesar dressing -
couldn't see wild seafood -
couldn't see lamb chops -
couldn't see yogurt.
But don't worry,
Instead you will taste something new:
Coz I just want to cook for you.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

When I am ....

When I watch the sunset, I think of you
Cause you redefined the meaning of romance
When I am sad, I think of you
Cause you are the only one can comfort me
When I go shopping, I think of you
You are the only girl who can jump while pushing the trolley
When I see a movie, I think of you
You are the one that can make a small pond by her non-stop tears
When I walk, I think of you
Who else can be a such kid while walking
When I am angry, sad, excited, happy, I think of you
Cause you are an angel

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The meaninful repetition of meaningless stuff

Every day I need to overcome the feeling of coming back to an empty place
Most of my time is spent recalling our memories
The time we spent together
Times goes quicker between 2 of us
I feel like a surfer, needs to get over waves
Swimming against deep waters
We understand each other more day by day
We love each other more
That's the only thing matters
That's the meaning in this meaningless mess

Monday, September 19, 2011


One day when I'm literally with you -
We deserve somewhere better than Serrano.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy anniversary

3 years ago a guy went to the kitchen
And called you on your mobile phone

Asking for a date
I am so lucky to have you
You fill up my senses like a night in the forst
like a sleepy blue ocean
Happy anniversary babe