Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good consultant

You are so smart, thanks for your help
How come I get so lucky to have you?
Very proud that you are so elegant, sexy and smart

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome home babe

These days I've been trying to settle everything 
So when you come home everything is ready
I got the best of everything for you
Cause you deserve the best
You will soon come to you real home
With me
We will have lots of love, peace and fun

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Twenty-Seven

Queen Mary is the most expensive university in the solar system!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

You are the best thing

Just went through a movie directed by don don gu
It was filmed on different locations
One of the actors called Jerky jerk
Film was divided into few chapters
The first chapter was the most impressive one
We went through a lot in a short time
We made it through hard times 
We will experience a bigger joy, love and peace
You are the best thing ever happened to me
If I go back in time
I will marry you again

22 days left

I started counting down with 88
Every time it became half, I put it here
I miss you ho very much
So I sing a kiddy song for you
Love love love 

Day Twenty-six

King's College London is the best University in the Solar System. 

Day Twenty-five

Oxford is a beautiful town. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love between us

We love each other very much
But we express our love in our own ways
It is natural and beautiful
Yet all we need to do is understand each other's way
That's the way love should be

Day Twenty-four

Still shopping around today!

Day Twenty-three

And I didn't forget about you! ^^

Day Twenty-two

This is a huge Korean art-piece installed in Saatchi Gallery!

Day Twenty-one

I can see the Olympic stadium from John Lewis Stratford!

Day Twenty

Liberty department store, one of the oldest in UK. Super stylish!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2 Box of Tea

My enthusiasm toward coffee and British supper tradition
was most fueled by you
Now that you show such reaction to cafeine
I already gave up on my coffee dreams
To show that I am so nice
I bought you 2 boxes of decaf tea
Tonight no body accompanied me for dinner
So I made something quick to eat
I find cooking more and more difficult
Waiting for you to come and cook

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day Eighteen

Today I went to Stratford to take the OLYMPIC TICKETS! YEAH!!!! I got the tickets for 10 Aug Athletics, which is going to be held in Olympic Stadium!! Crystal asked me to find the head of Hong Kong Athletics Association. He gave me 2 tickets outside the tube station, but he was so worried coz he was also waiting for a therapist for Hong Kong team. I helped him to look around coz it's urgent. I ran from Stratford station to Stratford international station. Finally we found the therapist after almost an hour. The guy thanked me a lot for helping and he said if Hong Kong team can get into final, (which is almost impossible), he will certainly find 2 more tickets for us for the final match on 11 Aug !! ^^

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I want to ...

buy you a good camera 
so you can take pics in HD and HT
buy a beautiful ring
to show how much you mean to me
watch movie with you
to remember our movie times in Hong Kong
Take you to honey moon
to show my love to you
So do I treat you badly????
Noooo I dont
In return you can co-operate more
to say Thank you
Is it a good deal????
Yes it is

Day Fifteen

V&A Museum la, Natural History Museum la, London Eye la, Westminster Abbey la... ^^

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day Fourteen

When you are calling me, I was actually waiting for this group of Olympic cyclists, it's the last 2 km area that I was waiting. Of course I'm not that smart to know these routes and games in London, I was just going to one of the most upscale stores in the world - HARRODS!!!! So beautiful! I'm so happy to be back again! Everything inside is gorgeous! I was there for hours! Shopkeepers explained everything to me in details!! Finally, I just bought 2 mugs! ^0^ Not your cheesy style, but my happy style! Coz I'm so lucky to have you too lar!!! ^0^

Greatest thing

If you think carefully, you will find that the greatest thing is
I have found you and you have found me
I have you and you have me
I love you and you love
This is already a fortune
I promise you that we will experience 
bigger love, peace and fortune
Love can perform magics
I am so lucky to have you
You are elegant and beautiful

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day Thirteen

Elegant evening in Marriott Hotel near Hyde Park
We don't have to sit under the rain in the crowd!
YEAH!! ^^

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day Twelve

 Today I decided to take a day off, I only worked on phone, never turned up in any offices. In the afternoon, I went to Heal's & Son, one of the most posh home store in UK, I bought knives, forks and spoons! ^0^

In the late afternoon, I went to watch the Torch Relay!! ^0^ I was waiting in the Oxford Circus area. Then I went to Trafalgar Square, this time I couldn't see the Torch, obviously the runner ran faster than me, so I took picture with the count down board!

Day Eleven

After a long day of work, our team went to China town for late supper, big lanterns everywhere.

Day Ten

Typhoon signal no.10 in Hong Kong, flights delayed 18 hours, many students were dying in Hong Kong airport, that's why I really need to be here to pick them up, while waiting, let's see what's special here, Heathrow Terminal 5.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love and love

Question: Did I treat you badly?
Answer: Nooooooooooooooooooo
Love is all around
I feel it in my fingers

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day Nine

A busy and disturbing day. Luckily after touching everything in those posh designer's furniture stores in Tottenham Court Road and had dinner in China Town, I feel much better now. Our China town. How many years ago? That time China town is part of my life. How many years ago?

Day Eight

Usually when I've nothing to do, this kind of small local cafe is my favourite, I would order sandwich or brownie, with coffee or tea, life is this simple and nice, isn't it? If you are here, life is just perfect...

This is Kaming's new flat in zone 4 Colindale, a quiet new development, £284,000, 800 sq.ft. Next time when we're visiting London, this is the place we're going to stay.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day Seven

Happy Happy London.
Though I'm getting busier day by day, it's still happy to be here. Look at the street, I'm so happy to be around! Ho la ho la, we will come back together one day, not alone alone gar... ...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The only person

The only person you need to please and make happy 
is your perfect husband
It doesn't matter how the world think of you
It matters how we are happy with each other
Love between us the happiest thing to hold to

Day Five

On a warm sunny day, it's so lovely to be in London. Everything's beautiful, fresh air, smiley faces... I walked with students along Oxford Street until 9pm, the street was still as charming as it should be. I love England, I love everything related to it, I want to buy every single piece of souvenirs I see every day, but you know what? I didn't! I shouldn't spend like this! So? No gar lar! bye bye lo! hehehehe... ^^ Even my husband is the most amazing guy on earth! ... No souvenir gar! ^0^

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a place with you

I had night mares for the last few nights.
Today we a little bit, less fight with that fat arse hole
I am just realising that lazy useless people are part of every work place
So I am trying to get used to it
Meeting until 6pm, I was so afraid to miss the last bus
Had some sleep in the bus, then did grocery shopping and started washing and cooking
Very few Londoner guys are willing to go through this hardship
I miss you so much these days
I just want to come home and see you at home

Day Four

I moved to another room with a much better group, Swedish group. Finally I had some sleep last night. I feel much better. No pics taken today, even I had a long city walk with students. It's been raining and raining. Today everything is better. I got more cases from different groups of students but at least I feel more respected in more occasions. I hope I can deal with things better and better day by day.


A really long and exhausting day. After the whole night of noise from the Russia group around, I woke up at 5 for the airport pick up. Things are generally smooth but working with people from different country is not a bit easy. That's exactly why I'm here. I'm here to learn. It's too tiring to wait in the terminals, I finally came out and found this activity: PING PONG HITS HEATHROW! ^^ coz of the Olympics, they set a table here, interesting, chi sin gar... ^^

At night I worked until 9:30pm in zone 5. I went home alone and it was such a long journey. Not many Hong Kong girls are willing to suffer the hardship I'm undertaking but I'm sure I'm doing the right thing. Here is the tube station I started the long journey. Alone alone lar...

Monday, July 16, 2012

44 days

Remember last time I put down a count down was 88
Now everything seems so close
I don't know why I felt exactly the same
Gloomy and unhappy. 
We are so connected, I miss you very much too
To be very honest, I am feeling tired and very tired of being alone
Everything seems and feels different when you are around
Maybe this is a good lesson to learn and appreciate being in love
Lets co-operate more. Lets love each other more
Tomorrow I am gonna see the new flat for you
Next day you will have iron
Feel the love and enjoy life

Day Two

To be very honest, I'm very down today, meeting some staff in the morning, I had an unpleasant talk with a local staff here, I can't blame her for her hard tone this morning coz may be I was too pushy yesterday, I hope I can do better tmr coz my groups arrive tmr, that means I really have to start working tmr! Walking out from office at 11am, rainy and chilly, I didn't know where to go so I took the tube to Waterloo! Finally there is a place I feel warmer from heart. I took a rest in the campus lounge for some time, walked around, and looked back to my room, do you remember the place?? 

My route today is like this: Waterloo -> Strand (to fix SIM card) -> China town (lunch) -> Regent Street (window shopping) -> Oxford Street (bought a jacket). I never felt so alienated in this city! Never! Full of local people rushing to and from work, they looked sad and defensive. Full of tourists walking around the city, looked tired and lost. Nobody was smiling. Including me. I really hope it's only the weather that upsets us. I really hope I can see the sunlight in London again. This city is far too gloomy. I miss you so so much today. Every moment is you. Everywhere is you. =(

Day One

Day One - Long and tiring day coz after long flights, still need to wait for or ask for this and that, meetings with people, staff members here are generally busy and exhausting, I'm staying with the whole long corridor of European students in an old UCL residence called RAMSAY HALL at 20 Maple Street (W1T 5HB), generally noisy and idiot but I'm fine with it, then dinner with Ka Ming, happy coz I can at least talk to one sincere person here. For the entire day, the most EXCITING moment is THIS ONE!

Look at my LIMITED EDITION OYSTER CARD!!! hahahahhaaa..... even local people can't find it, they are selling in some stations only! I don't know anything about it, just took the airport express to Paddington and bought it there!! YEAH!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ring Ring

You deserve this
I will buy this for you
Or whatever you like

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Beautifully green

Ok, let me make here beautifully green again!
You remember this heavenly green place?
I know your soul is shaking now -
Let me weeeeeiiiii... you to wish you all the 
Joy and Good luck, my darling... 
So that the sky can hear it
The mountains can feel it
weeeiiii weeeiiii.... ^^

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June is our happy month

Remember so many good things happened in June 2010
Our life changed, we got closer to love
I know that this month is special
Good things will happen to both of us
Congratulations. I am so proud of you

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Just wanna tell you that
You are beautiful and elegant 
That's it

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The 88 days

I think we both feel that even talking to each other is a gift
I felt so empty without you this weekend
But only 88 days are left
It is like count down to London olympic
Welcome home don gu

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bitter and sweet

Today was a mixture of bitter and sweet moments
In the morning I felt proud of you being able to fix your own dress
The whole working time was packed with stress, unhappiness and complaints
In the evening old lady cut my hair and didn't accept any money
She said " You may need this money", very touchy
She added "You are too young to give up, never give up"
Around 7pm I called you and you were washing your hair
I already feel missing you more

29 May 
Suddenly just remembered our days in sai kung. Going to play tennis in chinese university, going to welcome to buy sushi. Playing football in xbox and watching simpsons. Happily putting garlics in queue in kitchen. Buying watermelon. So many good memories. 
Just missing being with you. Some random thoughts before sleep.
Love love love

^^ hehehhehe...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thank you for loving me

Just 'cause of your love
I query if I deserve.

I will love myself better
And love you even more.

Thank YOU for loving me.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The flowering of Love

One thing great between us, is the willingness to learn
We have learned that each of us love each other in his/her own way
I am so happy and relieved that you understand me, my way of loving better
The best sort of relationship is that you can be yourself without being worried about anything
We shouldn't waste even one single minute having fights or anger
There should be nothing apart from love and respect between us
A little bit of HT wont hurt tooooooo

Friday, May 25, 2012

waterman paris

ho la ho la...
show you waterman la... 
hehhhee.... ^^
show you waterman with friends la...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

shopping lor

ONE: Your GEOX 43 la!
TWO: The first ANNA SUI in my life! Yeah!!
THREE: No discounts for cosmetics always, back row are for us, front row are all FREE gift including that green floral baggie!!
FOUR: Your Waterman lor! hahaha... ^^

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thank You

Thanks for your love, warm support and love during these hard times
I was always sure of my right choice in the life
Things would be thousand times harder without your love and wisdom

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A slip

Today I brought a thinner book with me for my shopping day 
A book that I tried to read long time ago but 
Finally just abandoned without reading the second page.
You know what I've found inside the book?
Something shocked me
Something brought back SO MUCH memory
Something we have walked through 
Hand in hand ^^