Monday, October 31, 2011

Do you remember?

As I was walking home, I saw a big dog standing on one side of the street
People were obviously afraid of him
because no one was passing from the side he was standing

It just reminded of 2 dogs on your way to the town center
Do you remember the brown dog who always scared you away?
I miss those days, the time I came and picked you from your way back home
The time both of us jumped happily
This month is your birthday month
It is a special month and I wanna make it more special to you.
I wanna buy a very special gift for you
Because you are my love and I miss you very much
And then ....
Very much again

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My salmon - for you gar

Honey, keep cooking,
What if I'm tired,
What if I'm busy,
You know,
'I'm not feeling well' ah ma... ^^

Today I tried this new way, super easy:
Pan A: Fry the salmon alone, no oil no seasoning.
Pan B: The sauce is made of Balsamic vinegar, garlic, green onion, pasley, salt & pepper.
Yummy! ^^ For YOU gar...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Re - Turnip beef stew

Of course my food is very similar to yours, almost identical
As I did everything according to your recipe
Just with few differences, it doesnt look nice, and doesnt taste nice
These days I miss you more
I dont feel coming back home, there is no one waiting for me
I dont feel cooking, it sounds unappealing thing to do
Before knowing you I enjoyed cooking
After , I enjoy watching you cook
I miss you very much and then
very much again

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beef Turnip Stew

I'm not into soya sauce, so I added more spice in my stew today. ^^
First, I browned the beef cubes with ginger, garlic, shallot, pepper and salt.
Then I stewed it in water/broth with aniseed, cinnamon, green onion and dried chilli. I stewed it for 1.5 hour coz today I was using bigger cubes of sirloin instead of beef brisket.

Then, I put turnip cubes and stewed for another 30 min.

In the last 5 min, I finished it with green onion and chinese chives.
Yummy! Is it a bit similar to yours? I miss you honey... ^^

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And I ran ran

I couldn't fight with the temptation of putting this picture
There is no logical connection between the picture and what I am writing here
But remember I ran ran and then ran ran for you
And then I ran ran again for you
So I could come home early and call you
I ran ran and ran ran and then ran ran
For you, hahhahahah (meaningful )

Monday, October 17, 2011

IQ Question

IQ question: How can we make use of these organic stuff? green onion, vege, minced pork, soya sauce, black sesame oil and olive oil?

They can be mixed together as my beautiful fillings!

^0^ And my first bowl of GAO JEE is done!!!

Who am I? I'm the genius ah ma! hahhahahahhaha..... ^^

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Grand moms's gift

My grandmother said that I am a very lucky guy
to have such an understanding and lovely wife
I totally agree with her, she is a wise woman after all and she brought me up
Love is kind, love is great and love is magical
She gave me this necklace just hours before her flight and she invited us to her place
I feel like a teenager with you.
Excitement and happiness is part of our journey

Thursday, October 13, 2011


lalalalalala... i love uuu... ^^