Wednesday, July 18, 2012


A really long and exhausting day. After the whole night of noise from the Russia group around, I woke up at 5 for the airport pick up. Things are generally smooth but working with people from different country is not a bit easy. That's exactly why I'm here. I'm here to learn. It's too tiring to wait in the terminals, I finally came out and found this activity: PING PONG HITS HEATHROW! ^^ coz of the Olympics, they set a table here, interesting, chi sin gar... ^^

At night I worked until 9:30pm in zone 5. I went home alone and it was such a long journey. Not many Hong Kong girls are willing to suffer the hardship I'm undertaking but I'm sure I'm doing the right thing. Here is the tube station I started the long journey. Alone alone lar...


mo liu & bastard said...

Do you remember we played ping pong in Tabriz ?
What is the name of the station? Is it Hunslow west? Looks very familiar
Remember my love is always with you

mo liu & bastard said...

Of course I remember! Or else why I put the picture there! ^^ It's South Harrow station, very close to Hunslow West!

My love to you is bigger than you know, bigger than I know... . ..