Friday, October 10, 2008


1000 - Happy that need not to wake up so early, finally can sleep for 8 hours.
1100 - Surfed on net: School A & B wanted long term teacher, School C wanted supply teacher. So I faxed my CV to them all.
1300 - Lunch with Eric, a friend.
1500 - Walked around in town centre alone. Eating local snacks on the street, with my vest/shorts/flipflops, School A suddenly called me and asked me to have an interview at 1700.
I hate it but still got back home to get changed and took a cab to that school far far away.
1700 - Long interview with English panal head, then Vice Principal. Really chi sin! They asked questions non-stop! blalblalbalalblla.
1930 - Dinner with Amy, my 'personal advisor' all my life.
2130 - School B called me for an interview on Monday.
2300 - Came back home and felt annoyed with a guy in MSN.

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