Wednesday, September 17, 2008


11:00 leaving to QM
12:30 One hour and thirty mins in way
12:33 I walked pass the Matsu Japanese Resturant. That fantastic dinner together.
12:33 On my way I looked at Chinese restarunt. 2nd of September will be for ever in my memories.
12:36 QM, this place, so many memories. I walked throught our usual path near canal. In our bench, a guy and girl were sitting and I asked myself "Do they know who have been here before?"
12:45 Claiming my deposit
13:00 meeting with my supervisor
14:00 having lunch with those 2 guys- Do u remember them?
15:00 Discussing my plans with these guys
16:00 Saying Goodbye to my nice lecturer
17:00 going and do some shopping
17:30 coming back with my flat mate
19:00 arrived home and cooking dinner
20:00 finished dinner
missing you

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