Thursday, September 18, 2008


Last nite I had a dream. We were sitting and drinking orange juice and you told me"Dont worry. Everthing will be fine". I woke up and felt that I had a long converstation with you.
I understand the reaction of your parents and I respect that. I know what they are feeling, after all this is something very new. But I know one thing, as times goes by, everyday I feel that i am on the right path. Every day I see that all happened is like a fairy tale. And I do believe that all the things are part of bigger plan, it is not done by me or you. It was in our fate.
I know a few things more. Like your grand grand father said- maybe this needs a little bit more grand, " A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step". I am sure we have done more than few steps. And finally I have someone, i can feel proud of. You are the star in my life.
I hope u feel better soon and i hope to see you soon. Miss you hon.

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