Sunday, September 28, 2008


First of all, you need to know about the traditional Confucius culture. It's a huge system with Five Relationships that soldiers listen to emperors, students listen to teachers, children listen to parents, wives listen to husbands, younger siblings listen to older siblings. Therefore traditional Chinese culture is never a chaotic one. People were all born with a proper position and everything is in order in the society.

However, dad called me this afternoon, invited me to have dinner together in a restaurant near my home. Very likely he could sense that I won't get to parents home for dinner again. When I arrived the restaurant he asked if I didn't sleep well last night. He said he didn't sleep well too. He by no means intended to upset me but just felt worried about me that's why he might be overreacted last night. He even ended up in a rather apologizing manner, 'Father and daughter no overnight hatred ok?'

This is not a common type of conversation in a family in my culture. It seems my tears last night is more powerful than the 2500 years philosophy of Confucianism.

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